Monday, April 14, 2014

I Intro (Leave Blank for now)
The Great Depression involved many people and businesses going bankrupt. The stock market and banks had a big part to do with it. Many people liked to blame Roosevelt for these acts even though he tried to fix them. People kept losing money because of overspeculation and using money that wasn't theirs. This made the stock market crash because there were t priced right, leading to a crash. The march from Portland to Washington left many homeless and without jobs.

II Causes (The causes of the great depression were bank closings, stocks failing, and prices going down.)
A overspeculation (Define, how important)
People who bought stocks that they were very confident in. the stocks weren't really the best stocks and weren't that profitable. The stocks became over priced and caused the market to crash. People thinking the market would do much better than it really does, thinking it would keep rising.

B Govt Policy
A declaration of the governments political activities and plans. The Government didn't do much when Hoover was in presidency.

C Unstable Econ
The economy was unstable due to people taking their money out of banks causing them to go bankrupt and close.

1 uneven prosperity
Not everybody was gaining money. In most places only the rich got richer and the poor either stayed the same or got poorer.

2 overproduction
People produced too much of a product than people bought. The products never got sold and caused them to lose a lot of money.

3 worker issues / farm issues
The farmers got new machinery that helped the efficiency of working. Things got so efficient that it was hard to make a profit. They were making more product than they could sell.

III Effects

A Poverty
The economy still kept going down in the 20s. The farms and stock market crash didn't help much to add to the economic disaster we already had. People couldn't even sustain themselves.

B Society
After the great depression many men and women were left without jobs. they struggled to find a job
because a lot of businesses were going out of business. Banks had failed and a lot of farmers couldn't make a profit anymore. The economy overall wasn't doing well.

C World
after the great depression the economy went into a dark hole. it was already at a low point before he depression but the bank failures and stock market made it even worse. Lots of people were left without jobs. there was anger towards our leaders after the depression which allowed people like Hitler to rise to power.

IV Solutions
Roosevelt tried implementing a new deal and broadening his powers. The new deal was a series of laws tat were a response to the great depression

A Hoover
At the start of Hoovers presidency the stock market crashed. He promised people of a new deal of
government interventions which helped the recovery of the depression. Hoover didnt do much for us besides a few public works projects.

1 Volunteerism
Hoover tried using volunteerism by not reducing their work hours or wages. Volunteerism was used to try and help the economy.

2 Public Works
Hoover tried using public works to help boost the economy. Government funded projects.

3 Hawley Smoot
raising the price of the average tariff

The RFC was a public work that tried to help the banks come out of bankruptcy. They were given $2 billion to make loans to banks. The reconstruction Finance Company

B Roosevelt
Beter President, did more to help during the Depression

1 new deal
Programs in response of the great depression, focusing on reforming and recovery.

a alphabet soup
CCC provided relief for unemployed workers
WPA provided unemployment relief
CWA provided unemployment relief
b Criticsim?
Roosevelt recieved a lot of criticism on his New Deal, people believed it did too much or didnt do enough.

2 2nd new deal
The second New Deal were acts passed to help give us security like social security
a Social Security
b National Labor Relations Act
c Conservative Coalition
V Criticicism
B Political Criticism (ex. Came from both the left and right)
A Conservatives
The conservatives thought the New Deal didnt go with the way America was founded. It made the Government have too much involvement in business affairs and the personal money of citizens.
B Liberals (ex: criticised the new deal also. They....)
Thought it didnt do enough
Wanted more government involvement
VI Effectiveness
A Changes in US
The US worked its way out of the depression through their relief programs and social security.
B Unions
Unions were formed as workers began to do sit down strikes. The Government tried to break up the unions.
C Culture
The US changed the way it worked, businesses changed the way they worked and the Government changed their focuses.
VII Conclusion
Hoover didnt do much in the Depression, leaving a lot of work for Roosevelt which he eventually brought us out of. There were many causes of the Depression that I think we could solve very easily today, having experience of how to handle certain things like this.

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