Monday, April 28, 2014

12-4 Notes

Main idea - different battles going on that caused people to lose or gain land. 
Casablanca Conference - stepping up the bombing on Germany. 
Strategic bombing - bombing Germany a lot at one time to destroy their economy
Dwight D. Eisenhower - in command of the invasion towards Italy. 
DUKW - an amphibious truck that was effective in bringing supplies and artillery to soldiers. 
Cassino - where Germany went to defend off the allied. They fortified the whole town.
Anzio - where the allies chose to land, behind the Germany lines. 
Tehran - Stalin and Roosevelt agreeing to break up Germany so it wouldn't threaten world peace. 
Overlord - code name for the planned invasion. 
Pas de Calais - where the Germans thought the allies would be when they attacked. 
Why did they choose D-Day. - the conditions had to be right do they picked that certain day. Eisenhower's planning staff referred to the day any operation began by the letter D.
Omaha beech - a code name for the barrage of fire along the coast. 
Plan in the Pacific - taking back islands none at a time to push back the Japanese. 
Island Hopping - general MacArthur's action of trying to take back his islands. 
Tarawa - the navy's first objective of the pacific. 
LVT - a boat with tank tracks. 
Guadalcanal - Mac Arthur's first invasion. 
Leyte Gulf - the largest naval battle in history. The first time the Japanese used kamikaze attacks. 
Kamikaze - crashing their planes into American ships, killing themselves but inflicting severe damage. 

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