Wednesday, January 15, 2014

WWI Causes

Alliances - Alliances caused more than one country to be at war. Lets say that Germany went to war, that means Austria-Hungary would also be at war because they were their allies.

Militarism - At this point everybody tried to have the best Army and Navy. Countries were constantly upgrading these two to prepare them for war.

Imperialism - Countries fought over power by trying to control other countries and gain allies. Constantly countries were arguing over colonies which caused war.

Nationalism - Having extreme love and passion for ones country. People would go out of their way to keep their country safe, some cases were extreme like murders which caused war.

Spark of War - The Spark of the War was the assassination of the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand.

Lusitania - 1915, A ship that was sunken by the Germans because it had ammunition on their boat.  Sussex pledge - 1916, no longer sinking merchant ships without warning
Unrestricted Sub Warfare - 1917, sinking a ship without warning
Zimmerman Note - 1917, Germany told Mexico to stop the Americans from being sent to Europe.

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