Monday, May 12, 2014


Comprehension questions, Chapter 13-1
Write on paper, or on blog.

What was the goal for Roosevelt after the war?  What were Soviet goals about Germany?
- Roosevelt was hoping for a more peaceful world with a better economy. The soviets became concerned about the security. The Soviets wanted to keep Germany weak and make sure that the countries between Germany and the Soviet Union were under their control.

What did FDR think was 'key' to world peace?
- FDR thought that economic growth was the key to world peace. They wanted to do that by increasing world trade.

What was 'declaration of liberated europe, and how successful was it?'
- It gave the right to the people to choose the form of government under which they will live. The declaration of liberated Europe was successful.

How was Germany to be controlled?
- by being divided into four zones. Great Britain, the US, soviets, and France each controlled one zone.

What was Truman's view about how to deal with USSR?
- Truman told Stalin that he he needed to hold free elections like he promised.

What is a satellite nation?
- The communist countries of Eastern Europe. 

What is an 'iron curtain'
- The wall separating the east and west of Europe. On one side there is the communist nation and on the other is the non-communist nation.

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